Dental Examination - Dentist Checkup - Dental Care


Dentist Examinations

Regular dental check ups are the best way to make sure your gums and teeth stay healthy. The check up allows your dentist to diagnose any problems, and to take preventive action to stop problems before they develop.

Your dentist will look for anything unusual in your mouth, throat and neck, including the oral manifestations of diseases, oral cancer, infections, the early signs of gum disease, eroded fillings and dental decay. X-rays may or may not be a regular part of your check up. X-rays help your dentist see problems long before they get too serious. Your dentist will only take x-rays if there is a need for them.

We recommend a check up every 6 to 12 months, in some cases patients may require more frequent examinations if they have a high decay rate.

Give us a call on 0121 357 5000 to book an appointment with our dentists in Birmingham.