A photo of a tooth veneer made from porcelain

Porcelain Veneers Birmingham

A veneer is a thin layer of tooth-coloured material that is put onto the front of the tooth to make it look better. This is done because the tooth might have been damaged by decay or an accident, or might be badly discoloured for some reason.


What are the benefits of porcelain veneers?

  • Veneers can greatly improve your appearance. They hide imperfections, and you lose very little natural tooth material.
  • Veneers also protect teeth from any more damage. Tooth surface can be dissolved away by acid in the mouth (usually from too frequent consumption of certain kinds of food and drink); this can make teeth very sensitive to hot and cold. In this situation, veneers can protect the teeth.
  • If the tooth is strong, a veneer is often a better option than a crown for improving a tooth’s appearance.

What problems can Porcelain Veneers solve?

  • Crooked Teeth – The appearance of teeth can be improved by veneers to make them look straighter and reduce the size of gaps. Veneers are a fast and effective solution to obtain a perfectly aligned smile.
  • Damaged and Chipped teeth – Small chips on teeth can be repaired easily using composite bonding, which will prevent further damage to the tooth. Veneers can cover up any chips or cracks, dramatically improving the appearance of the teeth in some cases.
  • Discoloured Teeth – Over time as the hard white enamel that covers your teeth is worn down it also becomes discoloured by things such as certain antibiotic medications and dietary habits such as smoking, coffee drinking and certain soft drinks.
  • Gaps in your smile – Due to genetics some people have larger spacing between their teeth which causes gaps (diastmas). These gaps can be made smaller in appearance using porcelain veneers on the front of adjacent teeth.
  • Worn Teeth – Teeth grindings, general wear and tear and simply the teeth naturally wearing down as you age are likely to have chips, cracks or a worn down appearance. Veneers are the perfect solution improve the appearance of worn discoloured teeth, leaving you with a perfect smile appearance.

What will my dentist do?

Veneers are usually made out of porcelain by a dental technician. You will have to visit the dentist more than once for this type of veneer.

  • Your dentist will check any fillings in the teeth first.
  • A very small amount of natural tooth material needs to be removed- just enough to prevent the veneer making the tooth look or feel bulky. For this reason, it may not be necessary for the dentist to numb the tooth.
  • Preparation time will depend on how damaged the tooth is and whether it needs to be built up with a filling first.
  • The dentist will need to use a putty-like material to make a mould of your mouth (called an “impression”), so the dental technician can tell the shape and size of veneer to make for you.
  • Your dentist will glue the veneer made by the technician to the tooth when you next visit.
  • Veneers sometimes come away from the tooth or break if the tooth is knocked. They can sometimes be glued back on, but will have to be replaced if they are damaged.

Some veneers are built up on the tooth directly using the same material that is used for white fillings. The surface of the tooth is roughened with a mild acid. Then white filling material is applied in layers until the teeth look right.

Looking after your porcelain veneers

Porcelain Veneers, while a durable cosmetic dentistry option they need to be looked after with proper maintenance and careful attention just as you would with your normal teeth. They last a long time and are resistant to staining, to get the most out of your veneers we recommend you follow the following oral hygiene instructions.

After your new set of veneers has been place it is advised that you stay away from extreme temperatures when eating and drinking for 2 weeks. Hard food that will put large amount of mechanical stress on the veneers should be avoided and nasty habits such as nail biting are discouraged. Regular brushing and daily flossing will keep your veneers free of plaque and regular appointments with your dental hygienist are always advised.


Interested in Veneers?

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Please contact us to find out more about veneers in Birmingham and book an appointment with one our friendly cosmetic dentists in Birmingham today.