Private Orthodontic Braces West Midlands

Braces Birmingham

Fixed Braces (metal and ceramic)

Metal fixed braces


Also known as ‘train tracks’, fixed braces consists of small metal brackets that are individually attached to the front surfaces of all your teeth with a special dental glue that can be removed at the end of treatment. Connecting the brackets is a metal wire with a memory that pulls it back into a perfect arch, gently pulling the teeth with it regardless of their initial position.

The time needed to correct tooth misalignment with fixed braces varies but is often around 18 months to two years. Regular appointments are needed so the wire can be changed, allowing the teeth to be moved in specific ways. At each appointment the elastics attaching the wire to each metal bracket will be changed. The elastics come in a variety of colours and many of our younger patients enjoying mixing and matching colours at different appointments. However, for a more inconspicuous look, clear or silver bands can be offered.

Fixed braces are generally always a suitable treatment option as they can fix a wide spectrum of misalignments. They are particularly common amongst children but are regularly opted for by adults too.

If you are concerned about the appearance of metal fixed braces, we also offer a ceramic (white) alternative.

Ceramic (transparent) fixed braces


Ceramic braces work exactly like metal fixed braces but are more aesthetic and are very popular amongst adults, actors and people who regularly deal with the public for work. The brackets that attach to the teeth are made from a transparent material and are connected together with a white wire. Ceramic fixed braces may feel like standard train tracks, but are a more convenient and aesthetic alternative.

Fixed braces can also be attached to the inside surface of the teeth. These are known as lingual braces and are a fantastic option for people who would rather not show their braces at all.

Lingual Braces – Incognito and MTM No Trace


Placed behind the teeth, rather than on the front surfaces, Incognito and MTM No Trace lingual braces are virtually invisible. Similar to conventional fixed braces, lingual braces consist of metal brackets fastened to the inside surface of the teeth with a special dental glue, which are then connected together with a wire. Just like traditional braces, this wire has the memory of a perfect arch, pulling the teeth into formation.

With lingual braces, orthodontics is completely inconspicuous. The only people who will know about your treatment will be you and your orthodontist! Because of this, lingual braces are becoming exceedingly popular. Stars like Miley Cyrus and Myleene Klass have been reported to have had their teeth straightened with lingual braces. Even the royal couple, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, may have lingual braces to thank for their glamorous smiles.

Because the brackets for lingual braces are tailor made for each case, having them fitted takes an extra session. Initially you will need an appointment to have putty-like impressions taken of your teeth. The laboratory can then use these impressions to design custom-made brackets for you. On your second visit the brackets can be attached and the wire placed.

Just like with regular braces, you will need to have continual appointments over the next 18-24 months to have the wires changed to ensure efficient tooth movement.

Removable Braces


After a full assessment with our orthodontist, you’ll have a tailor-made treatment plan recommended. In some situations, a removable appliance may be suggested either as an alternative to fixed braces (train tracks) or as an adjunct.

Removable appliances are personalised braces, constructed from putty moulds taken of a patient’s teeth. The removable appliance itself is fabricated from a plastic material with metal connections that fasten around some of the teeth. It can be easily inserted and removed by the patient. You will be told how many hours a day you need to wear you brace for. All removable braces will need to be cleaned regularly and kept in a safe brace box when not in use. It is very important that you still clean your own teeth normally, even if you need to wear your brace at night.

Alternative to fixed braces – for mouths requiring only certain tooth movements, fixed braces may not be necessary. While fixed braces are brilliant for all tooth movements, removable appliances can be opted for in situations where whole teeth don’t need to be moved as a full unit through the jawbone. Instead, these teeth may merely require tipping and tilting into position.

Adjunct to fixed braces – removable or functional appliances can often be recommended before fixed braces are placed. They might be ideal either to maintain spaces after orthodontic extractions, change the relationship between the upper and lower jaw, begin tooth movement before all the adult teeth have come through, or initiate tooth movement in more complex cases.

Invisible Braces


For less complex treatments, Invisalign invisible braces are a perfect option. See-through and comfortable, invisible braces clip onto the teeth and move them into a perfect arch. A series of braces will be needed over the course of the treatment, each providing an increased level of tooth movement. Invisible braces are not suitable for all cases, but are a popular option for people requiring only a small amount of movement. Learn more about Invisalign in Birmingham.



After orthodontic treatment, it is recommended to have a retainer made. Constructed from a strong plastic, retainers are personally made for each patient to keep the teeth in the newly formed arch. As teeth can continue to move throughout life, we recommend that retainers are always worn immediately after orthodontic treatment is completed and are ideally used on a long-term basis.


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