
Standing up to oral cancer

Unlike some types of cancers which are fortunately declining, mouth cancer is rising in the UK. Around 7500 people are diagnosed with mouth cancer each year and sadly it takes more lives than road traffic accidents. The earlier it is identified, the more likely it is to be successfully treated.

When you visit the dentist

When visiting the dentist for a check-up, most people think about their teeth and gums. The dentist however, will routinely look far beyond these and do a full mouth cancer screening. This quick check has the potential to save a life. If anything seriously concerning is noted, you can be reassured that your dentist is able to arrange a hospital appointment within two weeks.

Who is affected?

Mouth cancer can affect anybody. Individuals using tobacco in any form, are known to have a higher risk of mouth cancer. High alcohol consumption may also further increase the susceptibility. Recently, there has been a rise in the number of affected individuals who are non-smoking, non-drinking, young and healthy. These cases are often associated with HPV. This is the family of viruses causing cervical cancer and if exposed to the mouth, can cause cancer in a similar way.

What can I do?

Attending your check-ups at the suggested interval will ensure your mouth is examined regularly. It is also useful to keep a look-out yourself for anything concerning. If you have any lumps, unusual patches or non-healing ulcers, speak to your dentist, even if you’re not yet due for a check-up. The poster explains how important it is look everywhere in the mouth – lips, tongue, gums and cheek.

Together we can fight mouth cancer.

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We’re Recruiting Dental Nurses

We’re Recruiting Dental Nurses

We’re currently recruiting 3 Dental Nurses at Scott Arms Dental Practice due to expansion.

Now is your time to join an award-winning dental team.

Full time and part time positions are available. Competitive salary, flexible hours, overtime and bonuses paid.
Immediate starts available.

To apply, simply email your CV to [email protected].

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Taking Care of Your Dental Health During Pregnancy

Pregnant woman during pregnancy, enjoying the time

Pregnancy is a very exciting time. But between all the doctor’s visits, prenatal classes, and morning sickness, you might find that your dental health might end up on the side-lines. However, it’s still important to look after your dental health throughout the pregnancy. This is because some oral health problems, such as gum disease, become more common when there’s a bun in the oven. Read on to find out the special precautions to take during pregnancy.

Gum disease

Gum disease is more common in pregnancy. This is because hormonal changes during pregnancy affect gums and make them more susceptible to plaque. Signs of the disease are gums that are sore, swollen, inflamed or bleeding. See a dentist if you suspect you have these symptoms.

How to prevent gum disease during pregnancy

Prevention is better than cure, as they say. So be proactive and take these steps to prevent gum disease when you’re pregnant.

    • The best way to prevent gum disease at any time, whether you’re pregnant or not, is to maintain a good oral hygiene routine. This should consist of brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Also, floss once a day to dislodge food and plaque from between your teeth.
    • Don’t eat sugary foods and drinks too often. These include non-diet cola, sweets, cake, and even spoons of sugar in your tea. These foods are bad for your teeth as well as your baby. Try to replace sugary snacks with healthier ones, such as carrots, oat cakes, and celery. Cheese and yogurt in particular are good snacks because a growing foetus needs a lot of calcium.
    • If you smoke, then stop immediately. Smoking harms your unborn baby and can also make gum disease worse. Avoid second-hand smoke too wherever possible.
    • If you vomit during pregnancy (i.e. morning sickness), then don’t brush your teeth straight away. Vomit is acidic which means it can soften teeth; brushing your teeth after vomiting might therefore damage your teeth. So, wait at least an hour after vomiting before brushing. What you can do straight away is rinse out your mouth with water. This will stop the acidic vomit from eroding your teeth.
    • Keep seeing a dentist for your routine check-up.

Dental treatments during pregnancy

Dental treatments are often postponed for pregnant women due to risk of harm to the foetus. This is why dentists tell patients to postpone elective treatments (such as braces and removal of amalgam restorations) until after they’ve given birth.

If you really need treatment, then try to wait until after the first trimester. This is because the first trimester is a critical time for the development of the foetus and all dental treatments should be postponed if possible. After the first trimester, routine dental procedures (such as cleaning and fillings) become safe up until the final few weeks of pregnancy. At that point, it’s best to avoid all dental treatments again until after birth. However, emergency treatment is still recommended at any point during pregnancy to ensure the comfort and safety of the mother.

Finally, after the baby is born, make an appointment with a dentist to make sure there are no problems with the baby’s oral health. We wish you have a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Posted in: General Dentistry

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The truth about teeth whitening at home


There is a huge demand for teeth whitening in the UK, and it looks like the demand is ever increasing. Maybe our increased use of social media plays a part in this, increasing our appearance anxiety and demand for bright pearly whites.

There are many products on the market, especially in local supermarkets which claim to “whiten your teeth”. But do they actually whiten your teeth? Or are their manufacturers selling false hope to people who want a nice set of pearly whites in 2017.

Do most whitening products work?

Well most whitening products don’t actually “whiten” your teeth at all. Whitening products tend to remove stains from your teeth, without actually changing the colour of them. Surface stains can be caused by a wide variety of food and drink – including coffee, red wine and certain fizzy drinks.

What sort of products whiten your teeth?

Now to actually whiten your teeth, you need to use a product containing peroxide, a bleaching agent that whitens the enamel of your teeth.

We strongly advise you don’t try to use any peroxide containing gels by yourself. You should visit a dentist for this, where you can get a close-fitting, custom-made tray to use to prevent the whitening agent leaking onto the gums and into the mouth. Incorrect applications of peroxide can lead to blistering and tooth sensitivity.

What foods and drink can discolour your teeth?

  • Curry – It has a deep pigmentation which can cause your teeth to become yellow over time. When opting for a curry, ensure you mix in fresh fruits and vegetables to help reduce its staining effect.
  • Coffee – It’s very high in chromogens and it’s also very acidic, with both cause your teeth to yellow over time.
  • Red wine – in moderation it can be good for your health but it is very acidic, contains lots of tannins and is high in chromogens, which can stick to your teeth quite quickly.

Where can I get teeth whitening which works?

By far the safest and most effective way to whiten your teeth properly is with your Dentist. Our dentists use a teeth bleaching gel containing carbamide peroxide to your teeth. This chemical will bind to any stains on the surfaces of your teeth (enamel) and remove them. A special covering is used to protect your gums and any irritation will disappear within a few hours.

You can find out more on our teeth whitening page, or call our team on 0121 357 5000 to see one of our teeth whitening dentists.

Posted in: Cosmetic Dentistry, Teeth Whitening

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Your teething baby – Everything you need to know


If you’ve just had a baby, then you might be wondering when their first teeth will come through. Don’t worry: this blog post will give you the lowdown.

When does teething start?

Most babies start teething around 6 months of age. All babies are different however. Some don’t start teething until after 12 months. Others are at the other extreme and start teething in their first few weeks. In rare cases, babies are even born with one or two teeth. These are called ‘natal’ teeth. If the natal tooth isn’t attached to a root, the paediatrician might want to remove it to prevent the baby from accidental swallowing it.

The order babies’ teeth appear in

Different teeth come through at different times. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Usually the bottom front teeth are the first to come through. These typically appear at around 6 months.
  • The next teeth to appear are usually the top front teeth, which come through at around 7 months.
  • The teeth on either side of the front teeth are next. These appear at around 10 months.
  • The back teeth come through at around 14 months.
  • The canines (the sharp-looking teeth) appear at around 19 months.
  • Finally, the second molars (the teeth right at the back of the mouth) come through at around 2 years.

Most young children will have all their teeth at around 2.5 years of age.

Symptoms of teething

Teething sometimes causes symptoms such as:

  • Chewing on things a lot
  • Dribbling
  • Flushed cheeks, or just one flushed cheek
  • Sore gums
  • Fretful behaviour, such as crying

See your GP if your baby has any symptoms that concern you.

How to soothe your teething baby

Teething can sometimes cause discomfort and even mild pain for babies. This is usually normal, but there are some things you can do to help your baby.

Sometimes babies chew objects to ease their discomfort. Common items are toys, clothes, and even their own fingers! A safer alternative is teething rings. These rings are made of plastic or wood and are usually large enough to prevent your baby from swallowing them. Some teething rings can be put in the fridge before use – the coldness will help to soothe your baby’s mouth.

Another way to sooth a teething baby is with teething gels. These gels contain a mild anaesthetic that numb the pain around the erupting tooth. These gels can be used safely on babies aged more than four months. Speak to your GP however before using gels on babies younger than four months. Also, never use adult pain relief gel on babies; always use a teething gel that’s made specifically for young children.

If your baby is over six months old then you can give them food to chew on, such as pieces of bread, carrot, or apple. However, never leave your baby alone with food in case they choke.

Register with a dentist

Don’t forget to register your baby with a dentist when their first teeth come through. We like to think we’re a good choice, so don’t be shy and contact us today!

Posted in: General Dentistry

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How to take care of your childrens teeth

Girl in dentists chair toothbrushing a model

Some parents wonder whether it’s worth taking care of their children’s first teeth because the adult teeth will replace them anyway. But good oral hygiene in childhood is a cornerstone of healthy teeth in adulthood, especially now when it’s coming up to Christmas. So from brushing to sugar to dentist visits, this post will show you how to take care of your children’s teeth.


The foundation of any oral hygiene routine is brushing, and children are no exception to this. You should begin to brush your children’s teeth as soon as their first teeth appear, which is typically around the age of four to seven months.

Some dentists recommend parents to brush their babies’ teeth with water because babies tend to swallow toothpaste and the fluoride can be harmful. However, we do recommend fluoride toothpaste because it’s better at protecting teeth. One compromise is children’s toothpaste, which has less fluoride than adult toothpaste. If you do go down this route, ensure the toothpaste actually contains enough fluoride to do its job: at least 1,000ppm fluoride is needed. You should also use toothpaste sparingly on young children. Children under the age of seven shouldn’t be brushing with more than a pea-sized blob.

Some children dislike brushing their teeth, and this is entirely normal. However, it’s still important that children do brush their teeth. You can encourage them by brushing your teeth at the same time as them. Also, flavoured toothpaste can make brushing more enjoyable for children.

Seeing a dentist

It’s a good idea to take your child to the dentist as soon as their baby teeth have started appearing. This is because the dentist can check to ensure that the teeth are erupting normally, and they will also check your baby’s mouth for any sign of other problems. Another advantage of early dental visits is it helps your child get used to going to the dentist. Unfortunately, many children are apprehensive about dental appointments, and this fear can continue into adulthood and cause poor dental health. Therefore, it’s a good idea to get your child used to the dentist by taking your child at an early age.


It’s a fact that kids love sugar. Unfortunately though, plaque loves sugar just as much as kids do! It doesn’t help that sugar is found in so many foods these days. One way to manage your kids’ sugar intake is to read the back of food packets. This will allow you to determine how much sugar is in each food. Snacks such as dried fruit, cereal bars, fruit juice, and fruit rolls are among the worst culprits for sugar. You might think that dried fruit would be healthy, but it’s actually one of the worst snacks you can give to a child. That’s because it contains around 60 g of sugar per 100 g of fruit, and it also gets stuck between teeth easily where it can stay for hours. For healthier snacks, try popcorn, cheese, peanut butter, milk, or sliced apple, and keep the sugar just to special occasions.

Posted in: General Dentistry

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Orthodontic Braces – What are my Options?

Which brace is right for me?

Whether you’ve got a peculiar bite, a less-than-confident smile or just a couple of wonky teeth, the world of orthodontics can be a confusing place. Gone are the days of standard train tracks: we are entering an era of choice when it comes to tooth-straightening technique. However, there is a not always a spectrum of opportunity for everyone: some braces are not suitable for particular malocclusions (unusual bites) and others are only viable in patients with more simple cases. Despite this, the market is still broad and here are the most common orthodontic treatments, simplified for ease of selection.

After a thorough consultation and assessment with our orthodontist, the choice will become easier due to the joint construction of an ideal treatment plan.
Call our dental team on 0121 357 5000 to arrange an orthodontic consultation where you can discuss your treatment options.

Fixed Braces

These braces can only be placed and removed by an orthodontist.

Metal Fixed Braces

Also known as train tracks, metal fixed braces comprise generic metal brackets that are attached onto the front of the tooth with a special orthodontic glue. The brackets are then connected together with an orthodontic wire; with the memory of a perfect arch, this wire is able to gently pull the teeth into alignment. The wire is attached to the brackets through individual elastics. For discretion these can be clear or silver, but more popular amongst our younger patients are the colourful varieties.

White Fixed Braces

Similar to metal train tracks, white fixed braces consist of brackets attached to the tooth, connected with an orthodontic wire. However, the brackets are constructed from tooth-coloured ceramic and are accompanied by a similarly coloured wire, making them a more aesthetic option. Both white and metal fixed braces require the same treatment time and the same number of appointments.

Lingual (Incognito) Fixed Braces

Tailor-made gold alloy brackets are attached to the back surface of the teeth so they cannot be seen. Kate Middleton is rumoured to have used lingual braces to secretly achieve her royal smile.

Removable Braces

These braces can be placed and removed by the patient.

Removable Appliances

When teeth require either tilting or tipping into place, removable appliances are an ideal way to achieve a perfect smile.

Functional Appliances

Used to change the relationship between the upper and lower jaw (especially during years of growth), functional appliances are often used as an adjunct to fixed braces. Commonly used is the Twin-Block appliance, a removable brace used to open the jaw to correct an overjet (when the upper front teeth are too far in front of the bottom teeth). This is most commonly followed by a course of fixed braces.

Invisible Braces

For smaller tooth movements, invisible brace treatment comprises a series of plastic clip-in braces that are comfortable and inconspicuous. Each brace will provide a small amount of tooth movement, before the subsequent brace is prescribed.


Retainers are made from clear plastic material and are recommended for nightly wear after completion of orthodontic treatment. Because teeth may continue to move slightly throughout life it is recommended to continue using the retainer long term.

Posted in: Cosmetic Dentistry, Orthodontics

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Why Do Implant Costs Vary so Much?

Dental Implants Testimonials

There are many different types of implant systems on the market. Some have a long track record with many years of research behind them; other dental implant systems have limited research behind them. This in some ways can be compared to a car, in terms of a Rolls Royce is very different to a Skoda. A Rolls Royce would be known for its quality.

Recently a patient attended our dental practice from Russia claiming to have recently had the latest dental implant placed. A radiograph was taken of the patient and in reality they had a blade implant which dates back to the late 80’s early 90’s.

Implant dentistry is an area of dentistry which is constantly evolving, with hundreds of millions of pounds worth of research on a regular basis. Implant companies who invest this money in their research and have a long standing track record are likely to cost slightly more. Because of their reliable track record they are generally considered the “better implant systems”, whereas new implant systems may not have this proven track record.

Treatment can also vary in cost depending on the type of post that is used as this can vary from a gold metal post to a titanium post or a ceramic post. A ceramic post can produce a better aesthetic appearance but is not always ideal with a long spanned bridge where a number of teeth are being replaced. The ceramic posts are generally considered very good in the aesthetic area but tend to cost slightly more.

The degree of cost can sometimes vary due to the experience of the dentist concerned. Some dentists have been placing implants like ourselves for over 20 years and have placed many thousands of implants. Where as some dentists may have only attended a short course and there is a large learning curve with dental implants. As a result of this it is always wise to confirm the number of implants a dental practitioner has placed.

Some patients seek treatment abroad, this can be risky, as if things go wrong it may be difficult to go back to the dentist abroad and in England you have considerable protection under various legal aspects and all dentists in this country have to be registered.

What a patient should do

Before agreeing to treatment at any dental practice it is worth looking at the experience of the dentist concerned, the type of implants used and confirm they are a good quality implant and you feel that all treatment options have been fully explained to you beforehand.

Posted in: Dental Implants, Replace Missing Teeth

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Scott Arms: Award-winners at Sandwell Business Awards


Scott Arms Dental Practice proudly collected their award for Employer of the Year at the Sandwell Business Awards 2016. Principle dentist, Dr Phil Tangri is seen with Amie Kavanagh a therapist at the practice receiving the award from ITV presenter Sameena Ali-Khan and Paul Deep.

The event was a pleasure to attend and celebrated the hard work of local businesses. Scott Arms Dental Practice is dedicated to providing the highest quality of patient care, but we certainly acknowledge this is only possible when there is a great team on board. We therefore are immensely honoured to be given the Employer of the Year title.

Careers Opportunity

We are always looking for passionate individuals wishing to join our great team. This includes dental nurses, hygiene-therapists and laboratory technicians. Our opening hours gives variety to working opportunities.

If you are interested, please send an email to [email protected] requesting current vacancies.

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