Five reasons milk and cheese are good for your teeth

Five reasons milk and cheese are good for your teeth

Humans have been eating cheese and drinking milk for millennia – ever since ancient cows, called aurochs, were domesticated 8,000 ago, in fact.

The reason is not just because milk tastes good, but also because it is highly nutritious. This means that cheese and milk are good for your overall health as well as the health of your teeth.

In this blog post, we’re going to discuss cheese, milk and other dairy products, and how they help our teeth stay healthy and strong.

So if you’re still on the fence about whether dairy is good for you, then read on.

Five reasons dairy foods are good for your teeth

  1. They’re high in calcium. Calcium is found in lots of different foods, but dairy products are particularly high in it. This mineral is very important for our teeth, as it keeps them strong and healthy.
  2. They contain phosphorus. Phosphorus is another mineral found in dairy products. It’s important for your teeth because it maximizes the enamel-strengthening properties of calcium. In other words, phosphorus helps the calcium make your teeth stronger.
  3. They contain vitamin D. Vitamin D helps your enamel absorb calcium, thereby keeping your teeth strong and making them less susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease. You get most of the vitamin D you need from the Sun, but you can also get it from milk and cheese.
  4. They contain casein. Casein is a protein found in milk and other dairy products. It can form a film over your teeth, thereby protecting your teeth from sugar and acidity.
  5. They have an almost neutral pH. Some foods, such as lemons, are bad for your teeth because they’re so acidic. Cheese, on the other hand, is almost pH neutral, which means it’s much better for your teeth. In fact, some research shows that cheese can even decrease acidity in your mouth.

What if I can’t drink milk?

Not everyone drinks milk. Some people are allergic to dairy, others are lactose intolerant and there are also people who avoid dairy out of choice.

If you are one of these people, then don’t worry. You can you still get the calcium and phosphorus that your body needs. It’s just that you will have to get them from a different source.

One idea is to drink almond milk or soy milk. Often these types of milk are fortified with extra vitamin D and other minerals to give them the same health benefits as cow milk.

Another option is to eat more brown rice, oranges, cabbage, beans, broccoli, salmon and peas, as all these foods are naturally high in calcium.


Dairy products like cheese and milk are definitely good for your teeth. By drinking milk and eating cheese every day, you can go a long way in keeping your teeth healthy.

If you would like more information about how to keep your teeth strong and healthy, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment with one of our dentists. We will be more than happy to talk to you.

Posted in: Dental tips

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