Four dental tips for your holidays

Four dental tips for your holidays

Okay, so you’re not going on holiday this year. You’re staying at home because of COVID. That’s okay. Don’t cry. Most people are in the same boat. Or they would be if boats weren’t cancelled due to COVID.

But honestly, there’s no need to go on holiday, really, is there? It’s only been, what, three lockdowns so far? 213 days of lockdown in total? What’s a few more days at home at this point? Or months? Or years?

Okay, so there’s another option. You don’t have to stay at home. You can go on holiday somewhere in the UK! You don’t even need to get on a plane for that. You just need to drive for a couple of hours. Simple and it means you don’t need to quarantine yourself for ten days afterwards.

That’s why, according to the news, most people this year are choosing to stay in the UK for their holiday.

If you are going on holiday this year, then don’t forget to look after your teeth. What? You thought we’d write about travel destinations or something? Sorry, but this is a dentist blog.

People often overlook their teeth before a holiday. It’s easy to take care of your teeth when you’re at home because you get into a routine. But things become more difficult on a holiday: travelling disrupts your routine and you might end up neglecting them.

That’s why we’re here with some tips to keep your teeth in good health during your holiday. If you’re going on one, that is.

Tip 1: Get a dental check-up before you go

If you’re due for routine a check-up, then it’s a good idea to get it done now, before you go away. This way, the dentist can fix any problems that might have otherwise ruined your trip. That only includes problems with your teeth though, mind you. The dentist can’t magically make your kids behave.

Tip 2: Be mindful of sugar

We tend to change our eating habits on holiday and indulge. This includes more sugary foods, such as cake, ice cream, ice lollies and sweets.

It’s okay to let loose on holiday and enjoy yourself. If you can’t eat treats on holiday, then when can you?

But it’s still a good idea to keep an eye on how much sugar you’re eating. Ideally, try to limit sugar to meals and stick to sugar-free options when you can.

Tip 3: Brush your teeth twice a day

Even though you’re on holiday, you should still brush your teeth twice a day. When sugar is left on your teeth, it can start to cause cavities, and brushing your teeth is the best way to prevent this.

Tip 4: Don’t forget your toothbrush

The toothbrush is the one thing people always forget when they go on holiday, or at least that’s if the saying “don’t forget your toothbrush” is to be believed. So remember to take your toothbrush, as well as toothpaste and floss for that matter.

Finally, whatever you’re doing this year, have fun and stay safe! And of course, don’t forget your toothbrush.

Posted in: Dental tips

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